Friday, 9 November 2012

Cardboard & Gaffa

In class, we were set the task of recreating an existing object that tied into our projects. Displayed above is my interpretation of an indigenous American spiritual charm, which would feature in tribal villages as an interaction with the spirits that exist in their surroundings. The use of the charm is linked to the spirits which it calls upon - for example asking for protection or a plentiful harvest.

This has evolved in my mind as a potential tribal artefact for today. Looking at the 'Apple Tribe', the most obvious form of protection is the warranty. My idea for the next design step is to recreate a spiritual charm as a physical warranty, offering a tangible form of protection for the user. The issue of time also is involved in warranty, so I intend to make these charms out of incense, a material that can burn for the longevity of the intended protection plan.

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